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Travel Blog for Parents looking for ideas and tips


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About Me

       As a boy , I often wondered what it would be like to go far away. To see the world and go new places. I moved around a lot growing up but never went on vacations. When I was old enough to work, the first thing I wanted to do was travel. At 18, I saved up some money and booked my first trip. I have been traveling ever since.

        Fast forward my wife, and now our children love to go on new adventures. My mission for this website is to share everyone , that trips and getting away doesn't mean going into debt and living above your means. We are a simple family , with limited means, that prioritize traveling and family time over keeping up with "The Jones" or buying stuff. Buying Stuff and The Jones life won't make you happy. Family trips, will give you memories to cherish for years to come.

         My family and I love to get in the car and get lost, there so much to see in this world. We love to get out  there and see something new, try somewhere new, eat something new. I hope that I can impart a few of my travel hacks on you. Keep in mind I am not perfect, neither is this website. If you see a typo, laugh. Take my bad jokes as your own. Feel free to ask me questions. Send me a message. Don't be afraid of going to new places. Get out there and make new memories with your family. 






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